Big Sur

Monday May 7

Stayed the night in Buelton, CA which is about 40 miles past Santa Barbara on highway 101. I didn't get much sleep because I was updating the blog. I slept in till about 9:30AM this morning which is unusual for this trip. I usually get up at 7:00AM and get on the road after packing -- however long that takes. I still managed to get out of the hotel room by 11:00AM which is the checkout time. I was staying in a Motel6 which just happened to be next to a McDonald's so I took advantage and had an egg McMuffin for breakfast. I only eat those on vacation, but they are yummy.

I've run out of my magic Honda clean and polish spray so I hop off the 101 freeway at Santa Maria and find a Honda dealership. Apparently, they don't make the stuff any more so I had to settle for the newer product which supposedly cleans well. It seemed to work OK and I really need something for my face and wind shields. The bug splatter is relentless.

On the road again I find the exit at San Luis Obispo for Highway-1 and take it. The change in temperature on the coast versus inland is quite noticeable. While inland, I'm a little warm in my riding gear. When riding along the coast, I'm a bit chilled. The temperature difference is about ten degrees on average. On one stretch of road, the temperature dropped 15 degrees in about one mile. I'm missing my gloves that I lost in the Petrified Forest. They were my in-between gloves. Now I only have light and winter.

I start to see what this Highway-1 thing is all about. The scenery starts becoming more picturesque as I proceed up the highway.

Highway-1 Inland View
Being a bit anxious to see the coast, I pull off at Morrow Bay State park. It was very nice. There was camping and I would have pitched a tent but the day was still young.

Morrow Bay State Park
Proceeding on down the road, I'm seeing vista after vista and thinking today is going to be a special day. The winds are calm and the skies are clear and the scenery is off the charts. My biggest challenge is when to stop and take pictures. If I stop for every photo opportunity, I'll never get anywhere because the scenery is jaw dropping anywhere you look.

I see a sign regarding a Sea Lion observation point and pull over. There they were just lying on the beach and snoozing away. There was very little movement from the crowd, but occasionally one would flop around and bellow a bit.

Sea Lions
Continuing on up the coast, the elevation and temperature fluctuates with regularity. The air is heavy at times with humidity and the smell is distinct. It's not a bad smell, but different than the Gulf of Mexico aroma of which I'm more familiar.

I don't know why, but my thoughts of Big Sur always go back to a movie I saw as a young lad. In this movie, a couple of hippies were discussing what would be the coolest thing to do and going to Big Sur was high on the list. After seeing the place, I can concur with their high ambitions. The place is drop-dead awesome. The coastal vistas are stunning and the inland passages are amazing as well with a lush forest set with huge conifer trees that provide shade as well as a fresh fragrance.

Big Sur

Stopping for yet another photo op, I meet a nice couple from Australia. I thought I might get to hold their son for a photo, but it was not to be. I would like to think it was my leather jacket that scared the poor child, but I'm pretty sure it was my hair.

Where's My Cap?
At least I was able to get a family photo. Richard, Karina and baby Emmanuel, best wishes for your vacation and have a safe trip home.

Richard, Emmanuel and Karina
I arrive in Monterey about 6:00PM and the highway-1 freeway becomes clogged -- it is Monday after all -- so I get off onto the business route. I see hotels and think it's as good a time as any to stop for the day. I'll get up early tomorrow and attempt to traverse San Francisco in the middle of the day hopefully avoiding traffic issues.


Sign off...


  1. This is awesome stuff, Mikey!

    1. Thanks for reading and I'm glad you like it!

  2. Big T passed on the blog link to me.

    I am so jealous right now! Looks like you're having a blast.

    1. I can't lie, it's been fun. Thanks for reading.

  3. These are the best pictures so far. They look like postcards!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement and I'm glad you like them.

      Big Kiss!

  4. Wow! Mike, I had no idea you were going on such a exciting trip. Looks like Debbie was able to keep it from me long enough for you to get away. I could have tuned up my 1968 Yamaha 180 and tagged along.

    David Sconyers

    1. I will be doing a vintage underpowered ill-equipped tour next year if you're interested.
